Solat Workshop For Men

Solat Workshop For Men

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Week 1 (25 April 2024)

Week 2 (2 May 2024)

Week 3 (9 May 2024)

Week 4 (16 May 2024)

Week 5 (23 May 2024)

Week 6 (30 May 2024)

Week 7 (6 June 2024)

Week 8 (13 June 2024)

About the speaker

Ustaz Sukri Ahyar is a graduand of University of Kuwait. Only the top 1% of qualified madrasah students in Singapore, who meet the requirement, are invited to pursue their continuous study at the University. 

After returning back to Singapore with a Degree of Islamic Jurisprudence and Shariah - he pursues a full-time career, enriching others, as a Mosque Religious Officer in Al-Ansar Mosque. 

During his free time, Ustaz Sukri Ahyar continuously seek knowledge with his Sheikh and teachers from Kuwait and around the world - attending Takirah and classes. 

As a Men and Khalifah towards our family and loved ones, Solat is an important knowledge that we must have. 

When your father is not around, you are the Imam of the family. Solat Jemaah is led by YOU. 

When you are married, you're the Imam of your wife. Solat Jemaah or even guiding the correct way of Solat will be asked to YOU. 

When you have a newborn, you're the teacher and role model towards your child. Questions of Solat that you could probably not imagine to be asked, will be done so.  

Empower yourself with the right information and build the solid foundation of understanding, so you can digest, and the knowledge stays with you!

Learn through the class of knowledge such as understanding;

Gain the endless rewards and passive good deeds, when you be Khalifah that your family and loved ones need, by doing the right thing and teaching others.

Join us for the 8 session comprehensive Solat Workshop for Men, where we dive deep into the different aspects of solat that every Muslim should know. 

Together with Ustaz Sukri Ahyar, Starting 25th April 2024, 8pm to 9:30pm. 


This workshop aims to delve deep into the essence of solat; its pre-conditions, obligatory and recommended acts, not just as a ritualistic obligation, but as a profound act of spiritual connection and personal development. 

It will also explore the meanings embedded within each aspect of the prayer, fostering a deeper understanding of its practical applications in daily life. 

Participants will be encouraged to reflect on how Solat can enrich their roles as fathers, husbands, sons, and community leaders. 

It is a gathering for men to deepen their spiritual connection, fulfill their responsibilities with excellence, and contribute positively to their families and communities.


Event Details

Workshop will be done online through Zoom.

Payment fee: